qEV series comparison

Find your qEV series match

The name of each qEV series derives from the pore size of the resin used for that particular column range. The resulting purified isolates have slightly different characteristics:

20 nm series

Maximise particle recovery

35 nm series

The middle ground

70 nm series

Maximise EV isolate purity

20 nm series

35 nm series

70 nm series

Purity of isolate
Lipoprotein removal
Particle recovery
Suited to the recovery of sub 50 nm particles?
Optimum isolation size range
20 nm – 100 nm
35 nm – 400 nm
70 nm – 2000 nm
Size range where >50% of input is isolated
20 nm – 4000 nm
25 nm – 2000 nm
70 nm – 2000 nm
Common applications

Isolation capabilities are relevant to the study of:

  • Exomeres & supermeres
  • Small EVs
  • Small viruses, including adenoviruses
  • EV-only biomarkers

Popular in the study of EVs, especially cell culture-derived EVs

Popular in the study of:

  • EV-omics
  • Plasma EV biomarkers
  • Functional studies: establishing EV-based effects and separating them from that of protein/lipoprotein
Purity of isolate

20 nm series


35 nm series


70 nm series

Lipoprotein removal (ApoB and ApoA1)

20 nm series


35 nm series


70 nm series

Particle recovery

20 nm series


35 nm series


70 nm series

Suited to the recovery of sub 50 nm particles?

20 nm series


35 nm series


70 nm series

Optimum isolation size range

20 nm series

20 nm – 100 nm

35 nm series

35 nm – 400 nm

70 nm series

70 nm – 2000 nm

Size range where >50% of input is isolated

20 nm series

20 nm – 100 nm

35 nm series

35 nm – 400 nm

70 nm series

70 nm – 2000 nm

Common applications

20 nm series

Isolation capabilities are relevant to the study of:

  • Exomeres & supermeres
  • Small EVs
  • Small viruses, including adenoviruses
  • EV-only biomarkers

35 nm series

Popular in the study of EVs, especially cell culture-derived EVs

70 nm series

Popular in the study of:

  • EV-omics
  • Plasma EV biomarkers
  • Functional studies: establishing EV-based effects and separating them from that of protein/lipoprotein

Isolates compared across qEV series

Compare isolate characteristics across different qEV series: particle purity, concentration, small particle recovery, and lipoprotein concentration.

qev series graph

Particle purity in EV isolates

Particle purity in EV isolates from human plasma (EVs and similarly sized particles >60 nm per µg protein). EVs were measured using the Exoid and protein was quantified via bicinchoninic acid assay. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s post-hoc analysis. For the 20 nm, 35 nm, and 70 nm series, n = 21, 28, and 28, respectively, ensuring a minimum of n = 3 per column size within each qEV series analysis.

20 nm

35 nm

70 nm

qev series graph

Particle concentration in EV isolates

Concentration of particles in extracellular vesicle (EV) isolates obtained from human plasma using qEV columns, quantified using the Exoid. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post-hoc analysis. For the 20 nm, 35 nm, and 70 nm series, n = 20, 19, and 21, respectively, ensuring a minimum of n = 3 per column size within each qEV series analysis.

20 nm

35 nm

70 nm

qev series graph

Small particle recovery

Recovery of carboxylated polystyrene particles of known sizes (50, 70, 100 and 200 nm) loaded on qEVoriginal columns and analysed via the Exoid. Statistical analysis was performed using a Two-Way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test. n = 3, 6, and 6 for the 20 nm, 35 nm and 70 nm columns, respectively.

20 nm

35 nm

70 nm

qev series graph

Lipoprotein concentration in EV isolates

ApoB concentration in extracellular vesicle (EV) isolates from human plasma was determined before and after isolation with qEV columns, using an ELISA. Statistical analysis was carried out using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post-hoc analysis (n=6). ApoA1 levels in EV isolates, also measured by ELISA, were at or below detection limits across all qEV series, indicating over 99.99% removal, despite high pre-isolation concentrations in plasma.

20 nm

35 nm

70 nm

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Find Your Ideal qEV Column Size

qEV columns have been optimised to suit a wide range of sample loading volumes. After choosing a qEV series, browse the range to find your size match, or get in touch about custom development.